Believe it or not, I was thinking as the world’s population gets bigger, basically, we need a bigger campfire. This has led to a lot of unexpected problems, but also awesome technology.
Then I remembered this tool. Kind of expensive. I have used Google for free so I’m not sure I would use this or not, but they have a page of pricing stuff so that is why I’m showing you. I like the simplicity of the pages here. When things get more complex, simplicity doesn’t work so well as a mobile apps page.
That, and of course, there is that lady who developed a twitter apps company. I’ll have to review that again when I have time. I also don’t like the Navy Blue Ribbon as a color for child sex trafficking. I tried translucent, but that is pretty weird too, even when you put Oath or those other companies logos on top, the color then changes and defeats the purpose of clear. I kind of like Black, like against Pirates. Do you think pirates are sex traffickers? Anti-pirate campaign? Kind of funky isn’t it.