America’s Greatest Days are ahead. We are on the verge of the third great awakening. Are you ready?

I’ll be reporting more on the River Tampa and Pastor Rodney Howard Browne, the Let Us Worship Revival with Sean Feucht that has hit every major city in the USA since the pandemic started. We are living the in the incredible last days harvest. It’s happening globally. More to come follow and don’t miss it!

Julienne B. Ryan grew up in Queens having three communication choices: be funny, fight, or run really fast. Ironically, everything she wanted to dismiss, avoid, or forget about her formative years has become useful now. Like a one-woman sustainability project, she now encourages people to try to appreciate the parts of themselves that make them unique. Besides being a writer, she is an organizational storyteller, a keynote speaker, a facilitator, soft-skills trainer, coach, and—youBETTAhavenoticed—humorist.

Married for decades to a Dublin Irishman. Most of what she’s learned about communicating, patience, and performing comes from living with him, a man who never met a sentence he couldn’t make longer. She’s been trying to get a word in edgewise for years, walking around looking like a 1960’s Motown backup singer, holding up her hand so she could distract him. If she times it right, she can say a few words between his inhalations. But she has to be quick.

As her husband often heard her say during one of their lively discussions, “I’ve had me book learning.” She thanks
the faculty at Manhattan College where she received her BA in Psychology & Urban Studies, and Teachers College at
Columbia University where she earned her MA in Organizational and Development Leadership.

Learn more about Julienne Ryan and her keynotes, workshops, and coaching practice at:
Photo of Julienne B. Ryan by Alex Berg